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« Previous Page Table of Contents Next Page »introduce children to boating safety during special events such as kids’ fshing events and has also been instrumental in planning and assisting with kids’ fshing events as well as a major river cleanup.
This job is certainly not boring and the year 2009 brought him a very interesting assignment. He was asked to look out for former President Bush and his family when they vacationed on “little St. Simons Island” for a week-end. He had the opportunity to meet not only Mr. Bush, but his wife Laura and their two daughters Barbara and Jenna as they fshed, went boating and canoeing. He spoke highly of the Bush family and said they were very friendly and took time to talk to you. Bob was one of the offcers that escorted
him and his family across the water. Bob now resides in Long County with his wife Janna and their two children Jared 9 and Carlee 4. The whole family enjoys hunting and fshing. Janna has killed a deer or two and even little Jared killed a deer and some possum. Young Carlee, too, loves to go hunting with her dad no matter how early. It is my pleasure to salute this fne young man for all his accomplishments and his excellent example for young ones coming up who enjoy the outdoors. TCM
NOTE: Bob was recently promoted to Captain and is now the Regional Supervisor for the Macon Region overseeing 29 Counties.
This job is certainly not boring and the year 2009 brought him a very interesting assignment. He was asked to look out for former President Bush and his family when they vacationed on “little St. Simons Island” for a week-end. He had the opportunity to meet not only Mr. Bush, but his wife Laura and their two daughters Barbara and Jenna as they fshed, went boating and canoeing. He spoke highly of the Bush family and said they were very friendly and took time to talk to you. Bob was one of the offcers that escorted him and his family across the water.
98 tattnall county Magazine
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