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« Previous Page Table of Contents Next Page »A group known as “Friends of Glennwanis Hotel” was formed in May of 2009 and was sanctioned as a subcommittee of the Glennville Downtown Development Authority. Paulette Weaver was unanimously approved to chair the Friends. After the frst meeting, the consensus of the group was to restore the hotel and establish it as the cornerstone of the downtown development and revitalization
project. It was agreed that interesting and fun activities involving all age groups of the community would be utilized to raise the funds necessary for the restoration. Additionally, various grants would be applied for as additional resources of funding. This industrious group has grown over the last year and now ranges in age from 12 to 91 years. While fundraisers have helped contribute to the restoration of the historic hotel, these events have also become a great means of awakening community spirit and pride in Glennville. The group has witnessed a renewing of generosity and kindness, and experienced an overwhelming reception for the hotel restoration project, which has raised over $25,500 to date.
The citizens of the community have been very generous in donating needed materials, supplies, exterior decorations, and incidentals. Some of the donations have included rocking chairs, tables, hanging baskets, potted fowers, shrubbery, site designation sign, funds progress sign, patriotic banners, yellow ribbons to welcome the military, and Christmas decorations. Hardware stores have donated materials while local carpenters and a local artist contributed their time to the success of the painted wooden onion project. These onions were displayed in recognition of the annual onion harvest in Glennville. Local grocery stores and restaurants supplied food at many of the events with no charge. Signifcant publicity has been provided by local media. The funds generated so far have been used for historical
preservation, specifcally to replace a door that was not original to the hotel with a specially made arched window. This exterior improvement helped to restore the integrity of the historic landmark by returning it to its original design. Additionally. an architect has been contracted to provide a preliminary design for the restoration of the interior of the Glennwanis Hotel.
The Friends of the Glennwanis Hotel meet on the second Thursday of each month at 6:00 P.M. in the Conference Room at City Hall. The meetings are open to the public.For those who would like to make a contribution to the Glennwanis Hotel restoration fund, please send tax-deductible donations to Friends of the Glennwanis Hotel, c/o City of Glennville, 134 S. Veterans Blvd., Glennville, Georgia 30427. You may also call Paulette Weaver (Friends of Glennwanis Chairperson) at 237-1302 or Pam Waters (Glennville Downtown Development Authority Chairperson) at 654-2515 or cell 237-0248.
Governor’s Fund and $10,000 from the Glennville Sweet Onion Festival Committee.
A $5,100 grant, an award in September of 2001, from the Georgia Heritage Grant Program to the Glennwanis Hotel was used for architectural fees for a preservation/ rehabilitation plan for the building. In September of 2002, the Glennwanis Hotel was the recipient of a state grant of $18,000 for repairs to the hotel as part of historic preservation projects throughout the state. These $18,000 in funds were used to remove the asbestos in the hotel with an actual total cost of $23,000 for this removal. Gross foor space in the hotel is 600 sq. ft. in the basement, 7093 sq. ft. on the frst foor, and 7093 sq. ft. on the second foor, for a total of 14,786 sq. ft.
On April 11, 2003, the Glennwanis Hotel was named to the National Register of Historic Places, the country’s offcial list of historic places, buildings, structures, objects, and districts worthy of preservation This allows the properties to receive preservation benefts and incentives, such as eligibility for state and federal grants for planning and rehabilitation. In 2009, stabilization of exterior millwork, window replacement, and masonry was undertaken at a cost of $30,000. Of these funds, approximately $18,000 came from a Georgia Heritage Grant and approximately $12,000 came from SPLOST funds. This work is to help preserve the structure until funds can be raised to begin the restoration. The City of Glennville, on October 6, 2009, granted the Downtown Development Authority’s request to use $6100 of SPLOST (Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax) funds for reconstruction of the center windows in the main lobby area of the Glennwanis Hotel. U TCM
aithful Friend
Hometown Living At Its Best 13
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