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« Previous Page Table of Contents Next Page »he “road” to my trip to Liberia actually began many years ago. When I was 13 years old, I spent two weeks in the Bahamas on a mission trip with a group from my high school and have had the desire to go on mission trips ever since. Our group was involved in musical ministry and was allowed into the public schools to sing while our leader preached. One particular Friday night stands out in my memory. After standing on a street corner and singing, our leader preached. I considered myself to be a Christian, having accepted Christ as my Savior at a Billy Graham Crusade a couple of years earlier, but that night in Nassau, I fully committed my life to following Christ. The next summer I was able to go back on the same trip and from then on knew that if the Lord was willing to send me, I would be willing to “go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation”.
Fast forward through the remainder of high school, college, marriage and four children and I’m 45! I felt like I had been living in God’s will for me by being a wife and stay-at-home mom. Raising my children was what God had called me to do and I had fully enjoyed it. I began to look towards the future and realized that one day these children would be gone and out on their own. I began to consider what God
The Road
Kathy Werkheiser found her calling in more ways than one. Follow her journey across the country.
story and photos provided by Kathy Werkheiser
Hometown Living At Its Best 71
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