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has always loved the outdoors and never wanted to be stuck behind a desk.

His grandmother told me that when he came to visit her in Cobbtown every week-end as a small boy, Harry Hendrix would take him deer hunting and Lamar Durden would take him and some other young boys fshing on the Altamaha River. As he grew up this continued to be one of his favorite activities and because he was on the river lots of week-ends he learned the ins and outs of the Altamaha and how to handle a boat and nets. This gave him an advantage on his next job. In January of 1998, he began his career with the Department of Natural Resources becoming a conservation Ranger and a state certifed peace offcer. Because of his profciency and dedication as a ranger and offcer, those over him started to recognize his gifts and abilities. Soon he was nominated for the State Boating Law Enforcement Offcer of the Year. Not surprising to his colleagues and supervisors, he won that award. From there he went on to compete for the Regional award which includes 18 Southern states, the District of Columbia and two territories (Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands).

Excitement mounted when he won that award. Everyone thought Georgia just might have a national winner on their hands.

The competition for the National Award was held in Virginia Beach. The big event arrived and on October 29, 2003 Bob Lynn was chosen to be the National Boating Law Enforcement Offcer of the year. How thrilling for him and for the state of Georgia. Bob was the frst and only man from Georgia to ever win this award. His selection was based on the previous year’s efforts and accomplishments in the feld of boating safety, including enforcement activities, search and rescue efforts, training courses completed, public education and community involvement. Presently Bob is a Conservation Sergeant with the Georgia DNR under the Wildlife Resources Division in the law enforcement section and loves what he does. He feels strongly that boating safety is vital for full enjoyment of all of our water resources. He teaches hunter education classes in the fall such as survival techniques and gun safety. And also teaches boating safety in the summer. Hundreds of youths have been taught by him. He takes the opportunity to

Presently Bob is a Conservation Sergeant with the Georgia DNR under the Wildlife Resources Division in the law enforcement section and loves what he does. He feels strongly that boating safety is vital for full enjoyment of all of our water resources. Bob teaches hunter education classes in the fall such as survival techniques and gun safety, and also teaches boating safety in the summer. Hundreds of youths have been taught by him.

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