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Two Thousand Ten saw the end of the Pink Ladies Auxiliary as we know it, and the beginning of a new era at The Doctors Hospital of Tattnall. The Hospital Auxiliary began fve months after the hospital opened in 1974. They initially started out as the Sunshine Ladies, but it wasn’t long until they decided to join the American Association of Hospital Auxiliaries. Once joining this organization they began using the Pink Ladies Auxiliary name and wearing the well-known “pink jackets.” In 2010, the name no longer ft as they now had a male member. The “pink jackets” that are so familiar to all of us, were retired and changed to navy jackets with the hospital auxiliary uniform patch embroidered on them. The hospital name had changed earlier from Tattnall Community Hospital to The Doctors Hospital of Tattnall and now the auxiliary had a new name: The Doctors Hospital of Tattnall Auxiliary.

Lynn Davison is the Director of Volunteers at the hospital, where she also serves as Administrative Assistant. Lynn’s job requires her to wear many hats, none of them more important to her than the job of heading up the auxiliary. There are currently 17 members of the auxiliary and

these members stay busy not only with their moneymaking projects for the hospital, but also with their volunteer work within the hospital and in the surrounding community. One of the members, Ms. Ann O’Briant, is the voice of The Doctors Hospital of Tattnall. She has served in the capacity of receptionist/switchboard operator for over 20 years. “Over the years the organization went through periods of not being active due to members being ill or passing away, but was revived in 1986 by Geraldine Miller,” says Mrs. Robie Fort. Geraldine says, “My mother had been a Pink Lady so I decided to follow in her footsteps and, in 1986, we reorganized the Pink Ladies at the hospital and have been going strong ever since.”

After the hospital was given a facelift in the early part of 2010, fve of the volunteers began working the front desk, serving as escorts and giving invaluable help to the two hospital employees who work there. Another volunteer, Lou Harvey, works in medical records where she can be found “making folders, pulling fles, fling, and doing just about anything they want her to do.” Some of the other duties these ladies

These cheerful ladies gladly volunteer their time and efforts at The Doctors Hospital of Tattnall.

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CLOCKWISE FROM TOP The Pink Ladies of the Doctors Hospital of Tattnall (October 2011). Gladys Lindsey helps Beverly McClellan. Cleo Chonko is just one of the smiling faces that might greet you when you enter the hospital.

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