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card, and mini-bake sales. The money raised from these projects was used to purchase several new wheelchairs for the hospital, two electronic thermometers for Med-Surg and a UV Light for Infection Control, four benches, and activity supplies for the Swingbed program. The auxiliary presented its frst annual $500.00 Health Education Scholarship to a graduating senior this year and raffed a beautiful lap quilt with the proceeds being donated to Tattnall County C.A.R.E.S. A monetary donation was also made to the local food bank. These are just some of the rewards the hospital and community have gained through the hard work of the hospital auxiliary members this past year. In 1987, the volunteers started the Love Lite Tree at Christmas. Names are put on the tree “in honor of” or “in memory of” loved ones. When I asked how someone got a name put on the tree, I was assured by Cleo Chonko that “anyone who has $2.00 can get a name put on the tree.” The Love Lite Tree stands in front of the hospital during the Christmas season as a constant reminder to those passing by that the people whose names are represented by the lights on that tree will never be forgotten.

At one of their monthly meetings, it was decided that the outpatient waiting room needed new furniture and the auxiliary asked for permission to decorate it. Sarah Jones, Auxiliary President said, “We wanted the furniture to be comfortable and inviting for our patients. The room was dedicated to Mrs. Betty Elders after she passed away in March 2010 and to any other auxiliary members who pass away in the future.” Mrs. Betty Elders’ name has been placed on the plaque, which has a prominent place in the outpatient waiting room. This is just a small portion of the many duties and projects the auxiliary does for the hospital and the community. I was blessed to spend a little time with

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BELOW (L to R) Bertha Hornberger, Sarah Jones, Peggy Chappell and Joyce Moye.

BOTTOM Lynn Davison holds a Remembrance Plaque dedicated in memory of deceased Auxiliary Members who volunteered countless hours of service.

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